
Brasilda Rocha

Body psychotherapist of children and adolescents. She graduated as Psychologist by the “Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho” State University.

For the past forty-five years she has dedicated her full time to the clinical practice and to a systematic research of body psychotherapy. She has done that dealing with children and adolescents, teaching and preparing new psychotherapists in the coordination at the “Nucleo de Estudos Neo-Reichianos”, and in the spreading the theory and practice of her work throughout other states in Brazil and abroad.

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Her contribution is on transmitting the live technique of the neo-reichian therapists (Gerda Boyesen, David Boadella, Alexander Lowen and Stanley Keleman), while associating the psychoanalytic reading and psychodrama to the language of the toy.

We utilize the concept of “intermediate object” given to us by reading of Winnicott; and the use of the live therapist technique, in search of an energetic flow, as given by the reading of Reich; the necessity to propitiate a repeating of the identity matrix, as provided through the psychodrama; the various playing correspond to the development of the child, according to Aberastury.

Its major contribution is on identifying and evaluating the toys that correspond to the type of blocked energy within the psychic and body development of the child. We come to the conclusion that “the toy symbolizes the body of the child and it can be utilized as an interpretation and/or intervention, without interrupting the energetic circuit.”

Our job is changed into a task of studying the prophylaxis of the neurosis, or let us say, to accompany the babies until they enter the adolescence phase; jointly with the parents, since the identification of the armors and the need for us to work on the therapeutic and pedagogical function of the toy, in the prevention of the armors. Therefore, we systematize the types of toys that do correspond to the energetic flow of development of the child, to enable us to amplify this internal space, and to avoid the patterns of emotional tensions..

This work reflects the day-to-day of the children, their search for pleasure and the need to become creative, breaking the rules of the games, building their own rules, being faithful, their pains, their anguishes, their fears; their lives which is so close to their somatic memories of their conception, to this conducting wire of the energetic pulsation.




New York Participated Trauma Informed Creative Arts Therapy with Dr Lucy Barbera, June 7th, Center Continuing Education, Antioch University, New York.

Maryland Certificate of Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice, with Seteven Porges, Dr. Sue Carter and Deb Danna, Kinsey Institute and University of Maryland.

Fairfax, VA Participated Introduction to Polyvagal Theory: Play Therapy and Other Creative Interventions for Exploring and Expanding the Window of Tolerance with Children, Teens and Adults, April 15th 2024 for our hybrid workshop, Starbright Institute.

Natal 2th Simpósio Internacional online VENTANAS HACIA LA VIDA del Trauma a la Resiliencia, November 18 2023, Natal,  presenting Topic of the Lecture “O Brinkar: trauma à resiliência

Natal 1th Congresso Internacional do Desenvolvimento Infantil, Novas abordagens dobre intervenção precoce, autismo e desenvolvimento infantil, October, 9-11 2023, presenting Topic of the Lecture: “O Brinkar como Intervenção”.

Glasgow 22nd International Play Association Triennial World Conference, June, 5-9 2023, Glascow, Scotland, at Glasgow Caledonian University, in association with the International Play Association (IPA), with Presentation “Playing with The Body” – Body Psychotherapy thechiniques for children and adolescents. Poster Presentation “The toy promotes the evolution of the personality – How to evaluate the type of toy and psychodiagnosis of children and adolescents.” Workshop “Comparison between the Toy and the Development of the Child's Personality”. – Article Publication book Inspirationally PlayfulThe Neo-Reichian Therapists, Published by the Child and Adolescent Health Research Group (CAHRG) of the Research Centre for Health (ReaCH) at Glasgow Caledonian University, in association with the International Play Association (IPA). ISBN: 978-1-914188-09-1 DOI: 10.59019/OHCW626.

Washington TENTH ANNIVERSARY MID-ATLANTIC PLAY THERAPY TRAINING INSTITUTE – 2022, from Sunday 5th, Integrating Polyvagal Theory into Play Therapy Practice, All Virtual.

Recife - Participated III CONGRESSO LATINO AMERICADO DE PSICOLOGIA CORPORAL: Enraizamento no Pulsar da Vida, June 3-5, 2022 presenting Topic of the Lecture: “Mudanças de Paradigmas na Psicoterapia Corporal com Crianças e Adolescentes”, All Virtual.

Los Angeles EXPRESSIVE THERAPIES SUMMIT EAST COAST 2021 - Institute: Los Angeles,. from Friday 11th to Sunday 14th November 2021, All Virtual.

Amsterdam, Certificate EABP Virtual Congress “Sense and Sensations” The Fullness of Experiencing in Body Psychotherapy, which is being held virtually on ZOOM from Friday 10th to Sunday 12th September 2021.

Washington Certificate EIGHT ANNUAL MID-ATLANTIC - 2021 Mid-Atlantic Play Therapy Training Institute: Washington, DC, June 3-6, 2021, All Virtual.

Cascais Certificate THE IPA CONFERENCE 2021 CASCAIS, May 28-30, 2021, Brincar na Incerteza e no Desafio, Playing within Uncertainty and for Challenge, All Virtual.

University of Maryland CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that Brasilda Rocha has completed the online seminar NEUROBIOLOGY OF LOVE AND HUMAN RELATIONSHIP Hours of study: 11 hours and 15 minutes Starting in May 2020 until August 2021 Speakers: Dr. Stephen W. Porges and Dr. Sue Carter Porges, issue on 2020, 8, 5. University of Maryland

Kinsey Institute CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that Brasilda Rocha has completed the online seminar ENGAGING THE RYTHM OF REGULATION: Foundations of Polyvagal Informed Practice Part I, Starting in September 2020 until January 2021 Speakers: Dr Deb Danna, 2021, 1 7. Kinsey Institute

Goiânia - Participated XI CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA ALUBRAT and XIII CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DA UNIPAZ, October, 18-20, 2019, Goiânia, with Exibitor Brinky Little Brick - Miniature Construction and poster presentation “The toy promotes the evolution of the personality – How to evaluate the type of toy and psychodiagnosis of children and adolescents, “Playing at School, Lecture “ Fear of Playing.”

Phoenix - Participated THE 35 ST ANNUAL – ASSOCIATION FOR PLAY THERAPY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, October, 3-7, 2018, Phoenix, Arizona, with Exibitor Brinky Little Brick - Miniature Construction and poster presentation “The toy promotes the evolution of the personality – How to evaluate the type of toy and psychodiagnosis of children and adolescents.

São Paulo - Participated I FORUM INTERNACIONAL NOVAS ABORDAGENS DE SAUDE MENTAL INFANTOJUVENIL, April, 13-14, 2018, presenting Topic of the Lecture: “Playing with The Body” – Body Psychotherapy thechiniques for children and adolescents.”

Calgary - Participated THE 20 Th TRIENNIAL WORLD CONFERENCE CANADA, betwen September 13-16, 2017 in Calgary, Canada, pôster presentation “Playing at School.

Lousville - Participated THE 33 ST ANNUAL – ASSOCIATION FOR PLAY THERAPY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, October, 4-9, 2016, Lousville, Kentucky, poster presentationPlaying at School.”

Recife - Participated THE 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOENERGETIC ANALYSIS, August 19-23, 2015, Fear of Life, Fear of Love, Porto de Galinhas, Recife, PE, as a Lecturer and workshop “Fear of Playing.”

São Paulo - Participated XI CONGRESSO LATINO AMERICANO e II Congresso brasileiro de psicoterapia, August, 19-23, 2015, São Paulo, as a Lecturer and workshop “The toy and the energetic space in relation Psychotherapist, Toy and Child.”

Natal - Participated THE 7th INTERNATIONALCONGRESS FOR BIOSYNTHESIS, April 15-19, 2015, Natal, Rio Grande Norte, as a Lecturer and workshop “Playing with the Body: Body Psychotherapy Techniques with children and adolescents.”

Houston - Participated THE 31 ST ANNUAL - ASSOCIATION FOR PLAY THERAPY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, October, 7-12, 2014, Houston, Texas, Poster presentation "The Toy as Psychodiagnosis and Intervention in Body Therapy with children and adolescents."

Lisboa - Participated THE 14º EUROPEAN AND 10º INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY - THE BODY IN RELATIONSHIP: SELF - OTHER - SOCIETY, September 11-14, as a Lecturer and workshop "Mother, Toy and Child."

Istambul - Participated THE 19th IPA WORLD CONFERENCE 2014 ISTAMBUL, May. 20-23, 2014, em Istanbul, Turkey, Istanbul Technical University Taskisla Campus, as a Lecturer and workshop "The Toy as Psychodiagnosis and Intervention in Body Therapy with children and adolescents."

São Paulo - Participated III CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE ANÁLISE BIOENERGÉTICA - Corpo em Rede - Inclusão, diágolo e parcerias, June, 7-9, 2012, presenting the short course "The Toy as Psychodiagnosis and Intervention in Body Therapy with children and adolescents."

Lisboa - Workshop ASSOCIATED TO THE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR BIOSYNTHESIS, April, 23-24, 2010, as a Lecturer and workshop “Playing is an act of Love.”

Búzios - XX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BIOENERGETIC ANALYSIS, october, 21-25, 2009, as a Lecturer and workshop “Playing is an act of Love.”

Paris - CONGRÈS INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOTHÉRAPIE CORPORELLE - À la Faculté de Médicine de Paris, november, 8-11, 2008, as a Lecturer and workshop "Playing as a transformer of the energy" e "Brinky software - Psychology Clinical Work Management."

Braga - 1st INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS IN CHILD STUDIES - Possible Childhoods, Real Worlds, february, 2-4, 2008, as a Lecturer and workshop “Playing as a transformer of the energy.”

Lisboa - 4TH INTERNATIONAL BIOSINTHESIS CONGRESS - The therapy of the future. Building the bridge between body, mind and spirit, june, 1-3, 2006, as a Lecturer and workshop “Rescuing the energy of playing.”

Lisboa - 4TH INTERNATIONAL BIOSINTHESIS CONGRESS - The therapy of the future. Building the bridge between body, mind and spirit, may 31, 2006, participated pré-congresso "The especter of healing", com David Boadella e Silvia Boadella.

Boston - XVIII IIBA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - Human nature and conflict resolution, may 11-14, 2005, as a Lecturer and workshop “Rescuing the energy of playing.”


Brinky Software - Psychology Clinical Work Management

Brinky is a tool that is developed for the professional to manage not only his patients, but also the information flow that he needs to administrate in each therapy session. The program provides, in a personalized and quick way, many resources to the user in his daily work. The aim is to attend every peculiarity of the professional in the Psychology area, with methods and procedures for the documentation of each case. April 2007.


“Brinkando com o Corpo”, Arte & Ciência Editora, 2013 – 3a edição – São Paulo.
“Brinkando na escola”, Arte & Ciência Editora, 2003 – São Paulo.
“Playing with the Body”, Arte & Ciência Editora, 2014 – 1a edição – São Paulo.
“Playing at School”, (Book release).